Members present: Mark Karlberg, Jeanne Pryor, William Elovirta
Others Present: Craig Kleman, Bill Girard, David Zagorski, Colleen O’Connor, Beth VanNess, Bob Ronzio
4:00 PM Meeting opened.
Mark asked if anyone was recording the meeting. Bob Ronzio is recording.
The Select Board discussed authorizing Town Counsel to participate in legal matter with Building Inspector. Mark advised that he was a little dismayed that an email that was sent to him stated that he, along with the rest of the Select Board as a whole, recommended certain actions for Mr. Girard to take. He looked through all of the minutes and could not find anything. Jeanne advised that the email stated that the Select Board supported the actions Mr. Girard took and sent a letter to that effect. The Select Board was advised by Town Counsel that if this was a criminal complaint then they could not represent Mr. Girard. Bill advised that he believes that both Mr. Ronzio and Mr. Girard were criminally charged and that they both have magistrate’s hearings. The Select Board hopes
that since Town Counsel cannot assist in this issue that something could be worked out at the magistrate’s hearing. Mark wished both Mr. Ronzio and Mr. Girard well and hopes that they come to a sensible conclusion to this issue. Jeanne stated that she still supports Mr. Girard. Bill Girard thanked the Select Board for their time and support.
Briefly discussed the Housing Rehab Advisory Committee. Currently there are only two people appointed to this committee. Pat Mullins of Berkshire Regional Planning Commission feels there should be three people on this committee to break a tie if there was one. Nina was asked if she would serve on this committee and she was fine with that. Jeanne motioned to appoint Nina Weiler to the Housing Rehab Advisory Committee, Bill seconded. All in favor.
David Zagorski, head assessor, explained why the town will need to hold a special town meeting. He believes that a large part of the deficit is due to the Hurricane Irene storm deficit. He believes that the remaining deficit is from the overlay surplus account. Jeanne motioned to get the Schedule A for FY12 and the FY12 Balance Sheet from the accountant, Bill seconded. All in favor. Briefly discussed when to schedule the town meeting. Jeanne advised that the date would need to be checked with the town clerk and moderator. David explained that if the tax rate does not get set and the tax bills do not go out by January 1st then taxpayers do not have to pay the last two quarters until May 1st. The town would need to borrow if this was the case. The
road and lake districts would also have cash flow issues if the bills do not go out by January 1, 2013. Kathy Hayn entered the meeting at this time to answer questions. The Select Board asked if she thought it would be possible to get the tax bills out in time if they have a special town meeting around December 14, 2012. She explained that it depends on how many other towns are trying to get their tax rates set and how many towns use the same company that sends out our tax bills. She feels that it would be cutting it close. If the Select Board meets on November 26, 2012 they could approve and sign the warrant and get it posted by the 27th. Jeanne motioned to schedule the special town meeting on December 11th or 12th depending on the availability of the Town Clerk and Moderator, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Briefly discussed the scholarship committee. Jeanne would like to do the proper thing and formally appoint a committee. The Select Board can do this at a future meeting.
Any other business: Briefly discussed the resignation of the highway superintendent. The Select Board would like to appoint a search committee to find a new highway superintendent. They would like something posted on the town’s website and in the Country Journal.
Mark gave Jeanne and Bill copies of the town administrator evaluation forms from department heads.
The Select Board would like something put on the website and in the Country Journal about Board of Health vacancies.
4:50 PM Bill motioned to adjourn, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary Mark L. Karlberg, Chairman
Documents discussed at meeting:
- FY2013 Tax Rate Recapitulation Report